February 4, 2021
In recognition of Waitangi Day, and in order to strengthen our Te Tiriti commitment, Competenz has developed a strategy to raise the bar on governance, practices, and bicultural competency within our team. This is a necessary step to ensure we are meeting our commitment as a Treaty partner.
A newly formed Māori Advisory Board will ensure the Competenz governance structure has a formal Māori entity that is able to oversee and support all Kaupapa Māori. The two houses, Te Whare Whanui and Te Whare Māori, give effect to core principles of Te Tiriti as they work towards the following objectives:
Also this week, we launched our own internal employee bicultural competency programme. We're taking a staged approach, building on our existing knowledge and offering specialised courses in some areas of our organisation, particularly for our field teams who work closely with learners.
The learning programme will include: